Let us help you design a service that champions great leadership,
drives best practice & actions self-determination.



We offer a unique lens that centres between lived experience and comprehensive professional experience. We are often asked to lead, collaborate or provide our perspective on projects.

Our expert consultation enables organisations to:

Utilise our lived experience of disadvantage to gain a distinctive insight into overcoming complex challenges.

Leverage our unique skillset in working with others to overcome comprehensive disadvantage.

Design versatile service models that elevate self-determination in people connected to services.

Build staff personal development structures to improve awareness and identity, develop talents, potential & build human capital.


‘I have worked with Shayne on multiple projects in the community services sector including state level reform as well as internal service co-design processes. Shayne is a consummate professional and an absolute go to if you are interested in a coaching type model utilising a true co-design process.’

Mitchell Burney (Manager of Youth Services, Quantum Support Services)


We get so much feedback from youth work social work and community services stating that their documentation and tools do not support capability informed practices or intrinsic motivation. We offer a co-design process that ensures both practitioners and people connected to service are engaged in practice that promotes self-determination and strengths-based resourcefulness.

Here’s how we do it

We enter a co-design
to gather feedback
& wisdom from leaders, practitioners & people connected to service.

We augment your current documentation to balance strengths, intrinsic motivation & coaching practice
(whilst maintaining your
legal & safety standards).

We create coaching tools that strategise actionable goals & deepen learning. Our tools can be used by practitioners working with clients or independently by the clients themselves.

We say goodbye to dated
‘word documents’ and we
say hello to designs that are
both visually appealing
& engaging.


Some of Wounds & Wisdom’s collaborators