Sit together in challenge,

stand together

in strength.

‘Our wounds ultimately give us wisdom. Our stumbling blocks inevitably become our stepping stones.
And our setbacks lead us to our strengths.’

Robert S. Sharma

At Wounds and Wisdom, we value the power of lived and professional experience in shaping our approach to delivering services. We believe that our hard-earned knowledge, honed through years of working in and leading youth work, social work, and community service environments, allows us to deliver targeted coaching, consultation, and training that cuts through the noise and delivers real results.

We have a demonstrated history of successfully utilizing our experience to design and implement innovative services in the most complex and challenging environments to support the growth and development of the sector, its leaders, and those connected to services.

Our approach is raw, real, and to the point, we don't shy away from problems and we won't waste your valuable time with trivial pursuits. Instead, we focus on asking the right questions to reveal answers that will transform how you think, work, and measure success.

‘Shayne is the ultimate professional. He works authentically at all levels – and is as comfortable building rapport and achieving goals with young people as he is working with senior managers to affect systems change. Shayne is humble, responds thoughtfully to challenges in different contexts, and draws on his lived and professional experience to serve, lead and inspire others. Shayne walks the talk, and is terrific at encouraging people and organisations to flip their mindset, acknowledge their assets, and become the best versions of themselves.’
Meg Beilkin (Department of Education & Training)